Diarmuid O’Mathuna GAA Club 2021


Coaching Tips


  1. Always make sure all footballs/sliotars are on the ground or in front of you when you are speaking to the group to achieve full attention.
  2. Keep all instructions short and precise. No rambling, children will lose focus.
  3. Use the IDEA method. (Introduce,Demonstrate,Execute, Attend). A child remembers more of what they see rather than what they hear.
  4. Keep your head up and speak loud and clear to the whole group while using your body language to assert yourself.
  5. Fill your sessions with encouragement. Children will learn more in a positive environment. Always find a way to compliment every child within your group.
  6. If a drill is not working for you – change it!! Have the confidence to say “lets try something different”.
  7. Most important – HAVE FUN. If you are having fun that will always transfer to the children which will make for a great training session.